понедельник, 29 июня 2015 г.

I am on comparing PCM parts of KORG'z AI synths.
Kinda funny, it seems clear why it is rumoured than one sounds better than another.. I found out, that some chips data lines are tied partly. (8 instead of 16) On X3, two chips used 16bit  data bus, and one 8 bit. Is it made for storing compressed samples maybe? Someday, I dump these chips to check it out.

Model PCM size Chips Sample Q,bit CPU
M1 16Mbit x8 16 uPD70216
O1W 48Mbit
16 uPD72016 (uPD70208)
01W-Pro_ProX 80Mbit 16Mx5 16 uPD72016
01rw 48Mbit 8Mx6 16 uPD72016
05RW 48Mbit 16Mx3 16,12,8 uPD70325
X3 48Mbit 16Mx3 16,12,8 uPD70433
X2 64Mbit 16Mx4(?) 16,12,8 uPD70433
N264/364 64Mbit 16Mx4 16,12,8 uPD70433
X5D 64Mbit 16Mx4 12,8 uPD70433
T1,2,3 64Mbit 4Mx16 16 uPD70216
Wavestation EX

20 HD641016CP10
16Mx4 16,? uPD70433
CS303 2Mbit 16Mx1 16 uPD70433

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