понедельник, 29 июня 2015 г.

I am on comparing PCM parts of KORG'z AI synths.
Kinda funny, it seems clear why it is rumoured than one sounds better than another.. I found out, that some chips data lines are tied partly. (8 instead of 16) On X3, two chips used 16bit  data bus, and one 8 bit. Is it made for storing compressed samples maybe? Someday, I dump these chips to check it out.

Model PCM size Chips Sample Q,bit CPU
M1 16Mbit x8 16 uPD70216
O1W 48Mbit
16 uPD72016 (uPD70208)
01W-Pro_ProX 80Mbit 16Mx5 16 uPD72016
01rw 48Mbit 8Mx6 16 uPD72016
05RW 48Mbit 16Mx3 16,12,8 uPD70325
X3 48Mbit 16Mx3 16,12,8 uPD70433
X2 64Mbit 16Mx4(?) 16,12,8 uPD70433
N264/364 64Mbit 16Mx4 16,12,8 uPD70433
X5D 64Mbit 16Mx4 12,8 uPD70433
T1,2,3 64Mbit 4Mx16 16 uPD70216
Wavestation EX

20 HD641016CP10
16Mx4 16,? uPD70433
CS303 2Mbit 16Mx1 16 uPD70433

воскресенье, 28 июня 2015 г.

I dig into AI2 synths hardware as hobby.