среда, 14 октября 2015 г.

Mad about pinching M1 samples from everythere..
Found some un-encrypted at NDS M10D ROM.
Thought samples seems legit (32Khz, 16bit,LE, mono), Name Block similar to AI2 , but the address block looks shuffled.
Meditating on this... ~_~

среда, 30 сентября 2015 г.

AI2 pcmcard format decoded

It's been a long time without a post.

Want some news?
I stopped on hardware digging a while, and dug into software side.

With great help of Alex's pcm dumps, Korg's AI2 pcm cards format decoded for.. let's  say 98%!

Still my plans to dump all the PCM chips of X3 synth, write a FAQ on pcmcards dumping/writing, and some more.

And now, enjoy some Demos of XSC cards, I found no one shared on youtube yet.
(I'll upload a couple more soon, browse my channel for more.)

понедельник, 17 августа 2015 г.

I dumped a ROM! (and I like it)
Currently, dumped KORG X2 ROM.

 Luckily, "The V55PI instruction set is upward compatible with the V20/V30 (native mode) and V25/V35 instruction sets"

And V20/30 is just 80186 clone, so "It's easy to find suitable disasm", I thought.
Bogus! ( I was hoping for IDA has 80186 support, but...
But I found old good dosbox-running app, called Sourcer.  Checking it out now.

P.S. Feel free to contact me, if you need Korg X2 fw file. i'll dump X3 fw soon, and some morre ;)

вторник, 14 июля 2015 г.

I always been interesting in all that KORG's chip abbreviations.
No doubt, I have a gut feeling on that TGL is a Tone Generator related chip, but what MAP is?

Unfortunately, I've never seen inner Korg's documentation, like naming convention, or data structures of AI2 synths. (I beg you to contact with me, if you have some ^__^ )

But today, I've got Wavestation service manual, and there were a little, but priceless passage on this:

MAP16 - Decoder/card buffer, The main functions are Gate Array function connected with CPU such as Address Latch, Address Decoder, R/W Pulse Occurrence Circuit and the interface with IC card.

KSP - Key scan processor. Scans the data of the keys, the panel switches, the wheel, the joystick and the pedals, converts those data to serial and transmits them to CPU.
Sweet little passage. I wish there were a memory map and programming manual for TG. ^__^

понедельник, 29 июня 2015 г.

I am on comparing PCM parts of KORG'z AI synths.
Kinda funny, it seems clear why it is rumoured than one sounds better than another.. I found out, that some chips data lines are tied partly. (8 instead of 16) On X3, two chips used 16bit  data bus, and one 8 bit. Is it made for storing compressed samples maybe? Someday, I dump these chips to check it out.

Model PCM size Chips Sample Q,bit CPU
M1 16Mbit x8 16 uPD70216
O1W 48Mbit
16 uPD72016 (uPD70208)
01W-Pro_ProX 80Mbit 16Mx5 16 uPD72016
01rw 48Mbit 8Mx6 16 uPD72016
05RW 48Mbit 16Mx3 16,12,8 uPD70325
X3 48Mbit 16Mx3 16,12,8 uPD70433
X2 64Mbit 16Mx4(?) 16,12,8 uPD70433
N264/364 64Mbit 16Mx4 16,12,8 uPD70433
X5D 64Mbit 16Mx4 12,8 uPD70433
T1,2,3 64Mbit 4Mx16 16 uPD70216
Wavestation EX

20 HD641016CP10
16Mx4 16,? uPD70433
CS303 2Mbit 16Mx1 16 uPD70433

воскресенье, 28 июня 2015 г.

I dig into AI2 synths hardware as hobby.